Ответ на вопрос SELCAL What seasons are considered to be risky because of the water fowl bird migration?

Вопрос относительно миграции водоплавающих птиц и сезонов миграции. What seasons are considered to be risky because of the water fowl bird migration? Paraphrase: What seasons are dangerous due to bird migration?

Вариант ответа представлен ниже, в конце рассказа небольшой список водоплавающих птиц, наверняка их перевод на английский язык также полезно будет повторить.
As a rule, many species of birds migrate in autumn and spring, so this seasons of the year are more dangerous. However, it depends on the country and part of the Earth.
The phenomenon of seasonal bird migration has been known about for thousands of years, but it is still not fully understood by scientists. Not all water fowl birds migrate, but generally speaking the more northerly the breeding ground, the more likely is it that a species will migrate south for the winter, it happens in autumn and they fly back in spring. The main reason for this annual shifting of residence is that during the northern winters food becomes scarce and the cold temperatures make survival difficult. As for water fowl birds, they need water which is covered with ice in winter, so swimming is impossible.
I know the following species of water fowl birds: geese, ducks, swans, gulls.

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